Elementary CCF: Grades PreK-6

The Elementary CCF program provides:

  • Comprehensive faith formation for children in grades PreK-6
  • Family Faith Formation Events
  • Sacramental catechesis for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (for more information click here).


  • Kindergarten - 6th grade: Christ Our Life from Loyola Press.
  • 7th-8th Grade: Chosen from Ascension Press
Lesson Guides, Standards of Learning, and Parent Presentations:

1st Grade Standards of Learning
2nd Grade Standards of Learning
3rd Grade Standards of Learning
4th Grade Standards of Learning
5th Grade Standards of Learning
6th Grade Standards of Learning

Parent Handbook

Our Volunteer Policy:

Parents and adults are encouraged to volunteer. All volunteers must complete the required background check and Virtus training session. Visit the Volunteering with Children webpage for more information. For more in-depth information, please visit the Catholic Diocese of Arlington - Office of Child Protection


Elementary CCF Calendar

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