7-8th Grade Service Opportunities
“The works of mercy are charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in his spiritual and bodily necessities. Instructing, advising, consoling, and comforting are spiritual works of mercy, as are forgiving and bearing wrongs patiently. The corporal works of mercy, consist especially in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead.” (CCC 2447)
August Outreach - Backpacks & Supplies 2024
Youth ministry is collecting backpacks and school supplies for Vienna families in need.
Please sign up to donate or volunteer the weekend of August 17 and 18. Collections will take place before, after & during Mass.
Volunteers will help collect, divide items, and create backpacks of school supplies for certain grades.
Link for sign up (Volunteer spots are found towards bottom of this sign-up form):
OLGC Sign Changing
We are looking for students to volunteer to change the outdoor message signs on OLGC campus. This year round job is done weekly and can be done either on Friday afternoon or on Saturday morning before 12noon. The job takes about an hour depending upon how much needs to change.
Sign Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E044EA8A72EA7FC1-olgc#/
OLGC Fall Fest Volunteers Needed!
Please help us staff our rides and games at Fall Fest. Volunteers will collect tickets, manage lines, and man their particular game or ride station. This is a wonderful opportunity for students, teens and their parents to get in those volunteer hours and put their great energy towards this community event. Click on the Fall Fest Entertainment, Games, Activities tab on the link below:
Sign Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E044EA8A72EA7FC1-50514338-fall#/
Jesus served those in need to make a connection with each person. It is in this way that we come to understand that all of us are “one” in the “Body of Christ.” Service is not just a job to be done to fulfill a requirement but is a life-long commitment to care for others as Christ cares for us. The Works of Mercy are powerful ways to serve all people.
Service is based on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and most of all on the example of Christ who came to serve. When providing service, the following points should be considered:
- Your service is not just a job to be done.
- You should reflect on how your service projects is helping you take on the mind and heart of Christ, fulfilling the needs of others, and building up the Christian community.
- Providing a service to God and our neighbor should continue after receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, and all through your life.
You must perform a total of six (6) separate tasks that require at least an hour each or more of your time relating to three (3) different Corporal Works of Mercy and three (3) different Spiritual Works of Mercy.