2025 Spring Retreat



OLGC will be going to Hunting Ridge April 4-6, 2025 for a weekend retreat!

We will meet at OLGC on Friday afternoon and return Sunday morning. All transportation and meals (Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast) will be included.

Cost is $150 per person

All payments will be made via check made out to Our Lady of Good Counsel. These can be given to Carmen Clem directly or mailed to 

ATTN: Carmen Clem

8601 Wolftrap Rd

Vienna VA 22182

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For the 2024-25 year​​​​​
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Are you registered at OLGC?
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Please designate an emergency contact who is not the parent/legal guardian. In a medical emergency or unscheduled dismissal, parents/legal guardians will be contacted first. If parents/legal guardians are not available, than the emergency contact has medical consent and dismissal release authority.
Emergency Contact Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Special Needs/Medical Concerns?required

Parental Permissions

Parental Permission and Liability Release: As parent/legal guardian of the participant names above, I give my permission for my children listed above to participate fully in the spring retreat with OLGC. I agree to indemnify and hereby release the Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington and his successors in office, as well as the Catholic Diocese of Arlington and all Diocesan clergy, employees, volunteers, and participating parishes and schools from any and all liability, claims, demands for personal injury, sickness and death, as well as property damage and expenses of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned of the participant resulting from said participant’s involvement in the above mentioned event (including transportation to and from the event). Furthermore, I on behalf of the participant hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, death, damage, and expenses resulting from said participant’s involvement in the above described event.

Informed Consent to Medical Treatment: I request that in my absence the above-named minor be admitted to any hospital or medical facility for diagnosis and treatment. I request and authorize physicians, dentists, and staff, duly licensed as Doctors of Medicine or Doctors of Dentistry or other such licensed technicians or nurses, to perform any diagnostic procedures, treatment procedures, operative procedures and x-ray treatment of the above minor. I have not been given a guarantee as to the results of examination or treatment. I authorize the hospital or medical facility to dispose of any specimen or tissue taken from the above-named minor. I assume full responsibility for all costs of such treatment. Further, should it be necessary for the participant to return home due to medical, disciplinary, or other reasons, I do hereby assume responsibility for the participant’s transportation home and any costs related thereto.


Photo, Press, Audio, and Electronic Media Release: I authorize the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, its parishes, its schools and/or the Arlington Catholic Herald to use and publish my child’s photograph, video and/or audio recording along with their name identifying them for educational, news stories, illustration and/or marketing purposes.

I understand and hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the participant’s involvement in the above described event and I freely execute this Acknowledgement with full knowledge of its content.

I consent to the Photo, Press, Audio, and Electronic Media Releaserequired
(Do not use name, do not take picture, etc.)

The electronic signature below is treated by Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish as a physical, handwritten signature on a paper document.