One Act and Short Film

The Diocesan One Act and Short Film Festival invites all parishes to share their talents in the arts for the annual One Act and Short Film Festival. This is open to 8-12 graders.

Performance and Preview Dates:

  • January 30 for the Dinner Theatre at OLGC
  • February 8 for the One Act and Short Film Festival at Nativity Catholic Church, Burke VA


Do I need to prepare or bring anything to the audition?

Nope! Just come ready to have a good time!

Please also come with a knowledge of your own availability and schedule, so that a rehearsal schedule can be made as soon as possible.

If I want to be involved, but I do not want to act, do I need to come to the auditions?

You only need to attend auditions if you would like to act in either the one-act or the short film. Those interested in other areas should fill out the form and indicate how they would like to be involved.

How often are rehearsals?

Currently, rehearsal days and time are TBD. The hope is to have 1 rehearsal a week, either on a weeknight or during the morning/early afternoon of a weekend. As the performances get closer, additional rehearsals will be added.

Will I need to be at all rehearsals?

Rehearsals are an essential part to the creation of a play and short film. While there may be times you have to miss, I ask that you prioritize rehearsals as much as possible and try to attend all of them to the best of your ability.

If I am not acting, do I need to be at rehearsals?

If you are helping with the one act in any capacity, expect to be needed at most, if not all, rehearsals. There will be opportunities to help and participate at every rehearsal.