Salesian Spirituality
I have wished to engrave and inscribe on your heart this holy, sacred maxim, LIVE JESUS. ~ St. Francis deSales
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish has been blessed with the
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales whose spiritual tradition and purpose is spreading the spirituality of "the Gentleman Saint," St. Francis de Sales. This page’s purpose, and to some
extent this entire website, is to provide a glimpse into a spirituality that was developed specifically for lay people,
people leading very busy lives.
Flowing from Francis’ many letters of spiritual direction, his
Introduction to the Devout Life and his
Treatise on the Love of God, comes the very clear message that we are all called to holiness, whether we are an
auto mechanic, a police officer, a politician, a nurse, a teacher, whether we are single, married, ordained, or living a
consecrated life.
There are many ways to introduce the Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, known as Salesian Spirituality, but we have chosen a simple way with the hope that you will be moved by, inspired by, and drawn to his spirituality by one or more of his down-to-earth, psychologically and spiritually sound, sayings, quotes, and pieces of advice that fill his writings and find expression on this page and on other pages of this website.
Please take advantage of these resources as well as those of our priests and your fellow parishioners who may be able to tell you, from their own experience of this Spirituality, the value it has had for them.
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