Volunteering with Children

Background Check & Training Requirements for Employees & Adults 
Who Volunteer or Work with Children

In accordance with Diocesan policy, all adult volunteers are required to fully comply with Diocesan child protection requirements. Full compliance requires that all adult volunteers who volunteer in school (on the playground, at school activities and events, and field trips), with CCF or Youth Ministry must complete and clear the following 3-part Volunteer Certification Process:

  1. Complete this OLGC online form so we are aware and can track your background process. 
  2. Complete the NEW online Office of Child Protection background check questionnaire.  https://www.arlingtondiocese.org/Child-Protection/ 
  3. Attend a one-time 4-hour VIRTUS training session (Protecting God's Children for Adults) at a Catholic parish in Northern Virginia. 

For more info, contact Christine Moan, OLGC Child Protection Liaison, cmoan@olgcva.org

For policy definitions, visit the Diocesan Office for Child Protection and Safety website.