Liturgical Ministries
The composition of the Eucharistic assembly ideally represents and reflects the nature of the Church herself, which is hierarchically ordered. The very arrangement of the celebration in its various ministries shows that all the baptized have a place in the Church – women and men, young and old, people of every race and tongue. Through the active participation of the faithful and the variety of liturgical ministers in the Church, the Body of Christ is built up.
# 6 General Instruction of the Roman Missal
Opportunities to Become Involved
- Altar Guild
- Altar Servers
- Cantors
- Children's Liturgy of the Word
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Funeral Ministry
- Hospitality Ministry
- Lectors
- Ushers
- Sacristans
- Wedding Coordinators
Altar Guild
Altar Servers
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Funeral Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Wedding Coordinators
Become Involved
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Ministry Kiosk
Ministry Procedures
Altar Servers
Eucharistic Ministers
Liturgical Ministries Events
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