Care for Our Common Home
As part of our Catholic social teaching, we are called to build a just society and live lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. OLGC is an active participant of the Arlington Diocese Care for Creation Network that contains many parishes working on various programs under Pope Francis' Laudato Si' message. We need to come together as a parish community to explore ways we can meet our obligations as caretakers of God's earthly creation.
Join OLGC’s Laudato Si' Animator Circle !
Contact: Jack Dausman (Laudato Si' Animator)
Click to join the Diocesan Peace & Justice Mailing List.
Catholic Diocese of Arlington Care for Creation Pledge
We are called to help heal and protect God's gift of the earth, on which we depend for life. The Holy Father is calling on the universal Church, and all people of good will, to unite in a seven-year commitment to learn and practice the teachings of Laudato Si'—his 2015 encyclical about the environment—and to stop the deterioration of our earthly home. Bishop Burbidge has committed our diocese to join in this worldwide effort. Let's each do our part to glorify God in His creation.
Laudato Si Movement
Our Mission is to inspire and mobilize the Catholic community to care for our common home and achieve climate and ecological justice.
Laudato Si Action Platform
Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a space for institutions, communities, and families to learn and grow together as we journey towards full sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology.
US Catholic Conference of Bishops Action Center
Policies are needed to address ‘the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.’ Ask Congress to safeguard all climate and environmental investments.
Listen to Bishop Burbidge’s Homily for the Close of the Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year — May 16, 2021
Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith.
~ The US Conference of Catholic Bishops
As part of our Catholic Social Teaching, we are called to build a just society and live lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society.
For more information on USCCB:
Diocese of Arlington 2020 Season of Creation.
OLGC’s Green Initiative Program aims to provide educational information and heighten awareness about the need to “Go Green” to all members of the OLGC community, whether church members or school families, and especially the youth. We strive to demonstrate the benefits to the environment of a reduced carbon footprint for today and for future generations.
Our efforts include recycling, reduction of paper waste, discontinuing the use of toxic cleaning products, the introduction of agriculture to school programs, and providing ideas and opportunities for all parishioners to emulate Pope Francis and his Laudato Si’ encyclical. We will strive to find further ways in which OLGC can be part of the global Care for Our Common Home.