Joy of Christmas Giving

Celebrate the Holidays by providing Christmas cheer for members of the community!
Sponsor a Family

Add a family in need to your gift giving this year. Families are referred to the program by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Vienna public schools, and OLGC families. If you would like to sponsor a family on you own, or team up with friends, co-workers, or parish groups, contact Fran Davenport or Maria Madocks or email to be matched with a family.

Giving Tree

As part of the Joy of Christmas Giving Program, a giving tree will be located in the Narthex. The tree will be decorated with tags and on display as of Sunday, November 23rd. On the back of each tag there will be explicit instructions regarding gift wrapping. Gifts can be dropped off before and after the Masses on December 14th and December 15th.

Please consider signing up to volunteer for this very worthy cause. This year, we will not have online gift options. This is only for volunteer opportunities.

Any questions contact Chris Desmarais, or Theresa Caputy,

 As always, thank you for your generosity.

Outreach Calendar