Opportunities to Serve

The opportunity of doing great things does not come very often, but at every moment, we can do little acts with great love.

— St. Francis DeSales

As followers of Christ, we are each called through our Baptism to serve our sisters and brothers in our parish, our community, our country, and the world. Below are some of the ways in which OLGC reaches out and through which you can fulfill this baptismal call. We believe that God has given every person gifts for bringing about the Reign of God: our natural-born strengths and talents, the skills and abilities that we’ve developed over time, the desire to do something meaningful with our lives. As members of the Body of Christ, we need each other so that we, the Church, might be the difference in the world that God has called us to be.

It is our hope that every parishioner finds the opportunity to discover and develop his/her God-given gifts.

Monthly Outreach Program: Fr. Matt, with the help of OLGC Outreach leaders, has come up with a unified vision to pursue a once-a-month OLGC Giving Outreach program that focuses on a singular cause each month during the calendar year. Each cause will be headed by coordinators and will be advertised parish-wide to encourage involvement by both church, school, and CCF. This plan is to promote fellowship and community service. The goal is to conduct each drive on a single day (or weekend) each month. The month’s communications and liturgies will coordinate with the drive, the need, and the mission, so that we are praying for the organizations and those we are helping.  

Service to the Parish

OLGC Outreach Ministries

Partners in the Community

Outreach Events

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