
The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick gives the grace of the Holy Spirit to those who are sick. This grace helps the whole person, not only to bear the suffering but also to quiet anxiety, dissipate fear, and inspire confidence in God and acceptance of his will.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated communally twice a year in October and March.

However if you, or a family member, who would like to be anointed before surgery, or need a visit from a priest for the final Anointing of the Sick with the Viaticum at the end of his or her life please contact Maria Romero, 703.896.7419 to arrange for this.



If you feel that you have a gift to offer—to be with the elderly, go to the homebound and/or a nursing home, OLGC invites you to share that gift by participating in homebound ministry. 

Please reach out to Maria Romero at or by calling 703.896.7419, if you are interested in visiting the homebound, a nursing home, or just want to follow along and see how rewarding this can be. You do not need to have experience. you will be trained. Consider the ministry of companionship that blesses the vulnerable in our community.