Baptism Request Form

Please fill out this form when you are ready to have your child baptized. 
Baptisms are generally celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month at 10:00 am. Please check the calendar for exceptions:  
Requirements that we need before the date of Baptism is confirmed:
  • A copy of the birth certificate
  • Letter of Good Standing for each sponsor (Godparent). 
  • Parents' and sponsor(s)' attendance at a preparation session within the past 3 years at OLGC.  Sessions are offered online (see Baptism Preparation Session to schedule session). If not attending a session at OLGC, a copy of attendance record from parish where attended.
  • If not a parishioner, letter of permission from the Pastor of your home parish.
  1. Submit below form.
  2. Submit necessary paperwork to OLGC.
  3. You receive an email to schedule the Baptism.
  4. Baptism date is confirmed. 

For additional information or to confirm paperwork, please contact Maria Romero, 703.896.7419. 


Child's Information - if not born, enter TBD

(if no middle name type NMN)​​
Sex as indicated on the birth certificaterequired
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
(as recorded on birth certificate)
Was the child adopted? required
Was the child privately baptized? required

Family Information

Is your household officially registered at OLGC? required

If you would like to become an OLGC parishioner, click here to register.

(if no middle name type NMN)​​​
(if no middle name type NMN)​​​​​​​
Are the father and the mother of the child married?required
Were parents married in the Catholic Church?required
Was there a dispensation? required
Do both parents agree for the child to be baptized?required

Sponsor (Godparent) Information

A Sponsor must be a practicing Catholic in good standing. (A certificate of good standing from the Catholic Parish in which they are registered and practicing the Faith is required.)

  • Be at least 16 years of age.
  • NOT be a parent of the person to be Baptized or the candidate for Confirmation.
  • Have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion.
  • Be an active Catholic committed to living a life in accord with Catholic Teaching and Tradition.
  • If married, your current marriage must have been witnessed by a Catholic Priest or Deacon.
  • Fully participate in the Sacramental life of the Church and are free to receive Holy Communion when you come to Mass.
  • Present the person to be Baptized or the candidate for Confirmation for the sacrament and will further help them to fulfill their baptismal promises, faithfully, in accordance with the Holy Spirit.

If there are going to be 2 Sponsors, there must be 1 male and 1 female, no exceptions. There cannot be more than 2 Sponsors.

Godfather is Catholic in good standingrequired
Godmother is Catholic in good standingrequired

If neither of the sponsors/godparents are able to be present at the baptism, a proxy will be necessary. Please contact Maria Romero at or 703-896-7419.

Max capacity reached