
Experience has made me realize in my twenty-five years of serving souls the all-powerful virtue of this Divine Sacrament, to strengthen hearts in good, exempt them from evil, console them, and in a word make them God-like in this world if it be requented with faith, purity, and devotion.

St. Francis de Sales 

Preparing for First Holy Communion

Depending on the age of your child, and whether your child has been a regular participant in a formal faith formation/religious education program, preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion at OLGC takes place in one of two ways.

NOTE: If your child is 7-18 years old and has not regularly participated in a formal faith formation/religious education program or is not Catholic, see the information on the  Order of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children.

Contact: Amy MacKinnon at

Parent Guide to The Weight of a Mass: click here.