Celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony at OLGC
God took Eve from the side of Adam that was nearest to his heart so that their love for one another might be heartfelt and tender. God then gave them to one another in marriage. My dear friends, it is also God who has brought you together and, with His invisible hand, has forged the holy bond that is your marriage.
~ St. Francis de Sales
By the Sacrament of Matrimony Christian spouses signify and participate in the mystery of unity and fruitful love between Christ and the Church. #8 Introduction to The Order of Celebrating Matrimony
Eligibility: In order to have your wedding at OLGC, either the bride or groom must meet at least ONE of the following:
- Are registered in the parish for at least 6 months;
- Received one or more of your Sacraments at OLGC;
- Have an immediate family member who is a registered parishioner.
As parishioners of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church, you are welcome to have your wedding here, and we are happy to assist you with pre-Cana instruction.
The Diocese of Arlington requires couples to begin Pre-Cana preparations no less than six months prior to the wedding. Please do not reserve reception space before meeting with a priest and beginning the wedding preparation process.
- If you will have your wedding at a different church in DC, Maryland, or Virginia, you will need to arrange for your pre-Cana instruction at the parish where you will be married.
- If you are getting married outside of the DMV area, we are available to help you with pre-Cana instruction.
Fill out the Marriage Preparation Form if you are getting married at OLGC or outside of the DMV. You will then be mailed a packet of information and required documents. Once you fill these out and return them to OLGC, you will be assigned a priest for your marriage preparation. The priest will contact you to meet as a couple and schedule all necessary appointments. Once the meeting has happened and the documents have been reviewed a date can be set for your wedding.
Once your date has been set, either our Director of Liturgy or Wedding Coordinator will reach out to you to plan your wedding liturgy. The meeting will walk you through the various elements of the wedding including the scripture readings and the music.
The Guidelines for Celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony go into further detail about celebrating a wedding at OLGC.
The Conference for the Engaged (CFE) program is designed to stimulate reflection and discussion on key aspects of marriage and family life. This is required of couples being married in the Diocese of Arlington.
Conference for the Engaged Brochure - CFE Brochure
Catholic Engaged Encounter - CEE Brochure
Contact: Maria Romero, 703.896.7419