Heavenly Father,
we thank you for
the abundant love
and grace you bestow
on our community.
We offer all that we are
and all that we do for
your great glory and honor.
Fill us with your
goodness and generosity
as we engage in this effort
to address the needs of
our parish. Fortify this visible
cornerstone of our faith
so that our legacy
and the commitment
of many generations
of believers can become
the firm foundation
for our future at
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Catholic Community.

Stewardship in Action

We have already made significant progress, thanks to recent generous pledges and one-time gifts. To manage costs, the HVAC and roof projects have been phased over four years.

We have been able to complete the following capital projects:

  • Phase 1 of the HVAC project was completed on time in August 2022. Phase 2 is due to begin in June 2023.
  • The Diocese of Arlington Contracts Office is overseeing the HVAC and roof contracts.
  • The Church sound system has been upgraded, allowing for livestreaming of Masses and community events, and an improved in-person experience.
  • The Bell Tower and cracks in the church walls have been repaired.
  • The campus-wide security system is being installed.

Easter vigil service outdoors
Children kneeling during mass


The Current Perspective

The time has come for us to act. Our facilities need immediate attention so that our active ministries and organizations can thrive. Our founding parishioners made great sacrifices to build our first buildings and over the years, even more stewards grew the parish into what OLGC is today.

The initiatives of The Cornerstone Project ensure that all of the buildings on our campus operate in a seamless manner so that faith, education, and fellowship can be the focus of our shared Salesian experience.

Support for The Cornerstone Project will ensure that our campus continues to be a comfortable and inviting place to celebrate Mass, for our children to learn, and for us to LIVE JESUS! together.

Cornerstone Projects

Replace the aged and outdated School HVAC with a new system which includes current clean air and ventilation technology.
Replace roof structures at the church, school, rectory, and administrative offices.
Improve campus safety & security, upgrade lighting, replace church doors, & renovate church spaces.

The Cornerstone Project Goal:


Please contact The Office of Advancement with Questions