Heavenly Father,
we thank you for
the abundant love
and grace you bestow
on our community.
We offer all that we are
and all that we do for
your great glory and honor.
Fill us with your
goodness and generosity
as we engage in this effort
to address the needs of
our parish. Fortify this visible
cornerstone of our faith
so that our legacy
and the commitment
of many generations
of believers can become
the firm foundation
for our future at
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Catholic Community.

Why Now at OLGC

The ability to provide the many services and ministries that make our community unique is increasingly hampered by failing, outdated systems and non-existent replacement parts for our aged buildings, particularly the HVAC systems and roof structures. Extraordinary pressure has been put on our infrastructure and the need for capital improvements is urgent and unavoidable. Phase 1 of the HVAC project is complete, and the execution of the remaining HVAC phases, roof replacement, and other campus improvements will ensure that our church and school remain a beacon of prayer, sacraments, faith-enriched learning and service in our community.

Aerial view of OLGC campus


The Challenge We've Faced

The last capital campaign almost 23 years ago helped to finance the campus we know and love today, but the final project costs exceeded the original fundraising target due to unexpected expenses necessary to execute the work fully and properly. In addition, the economic downturn in 2001 negatively impacted some of our major donor pledges. Investments lost value overnight, and some donors had to step away from their prior pledge commitments. As a result, OLGC was forced to take a Diocesan loan to complete the project and was, in turn, saddled with debt service until the early months of Fr. Matt’s tenure as pastor in 2016. OLGC has maintained and extended the life span of our existing systems; however those systems are now obsolete or without repair options, and we must replace them.

Cornerstone Projects

Replace the aged and outdated School HVAC with a new system which includes current clean air and ventilation technology.
Replace roof structures at the church, school, rectory, and administrative offices.
Improve campus safety & security, upgrade lighting, replace church doors, & renovate church spaces.

The Cornerstone Project Goal:


Please contact The Office of Advancement with Questions